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New Era Creative Space

About Us


The mission of New Era Creative Space is to inspire stronger communities through creative programs.
We believe that children are the most precious treasure a community can possess and that all children, regardless of circumstances, have the potential to be a force for positive change in the world. Education is the key to tapping into the moral and intellectual potential of each individual.

New Era Creative Space bases its philosophy on the spiritual guidance of Bahá’u’lláh which states: “Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”


Mission-New Era Creative Space


To cultivate the curiosity and ingenuity to imagine a better world for us all.


To derive joy from intellectual and creative pursuits.


To recognize the inherent nobility in every individual, including oneself.

Core Values

We believe that children and youth are the most valuable assets of a community and the combination of these core values equips them with the skills required to build up themselves and their communities.


To develop an intimate care for other human beings and appreciation for the natural world.


To be equitable, accessible, and inclusive, so that origin is not a barrier.


To love humanity and try to serve it.


Vision - New Era Creative Space

NECS envisions strong communities that are vibrant, thriving, self-sustaining and diverse, and where young people…

New Era Creative Space brings community leaders, educators, artists, activists, scientists, parents, and students together to develop creative educational programs that form an ongoing cycle of generational empowerment.

We provide experiential learning experiences that empower young people to think critically, creatively, and collaboratively to build character and life skills they can use to transform their inner lives and build a better community.

NECS trains community partners and families in the principles of positive discipline, restorative practices, and culturally responsive teaching so together we can uphold the dignity and nobility of each individual.


