New Era Creative Space



Questions to consider:

NECS is looking for interns and adult volunteers and who are interested in its mission. Interns can benefit personally and professionally by getting involved. We are looking for high school and college interns with diverse interests. Please submit resume to and we will get back to you to schedule and interview.
Questions to consider for interns and volunteers:

If we do not respond to you in 3-5 business days please submit your resume to and cc and we will get back to you to schedule an interview.


Volunteer Application


Available Positions

grant writer

We are looking for a dedicated Grant Writer to write grant proposals for our organization. The Grant Writer will apply knowledge of fundraising to write compelling proposals with plans to reach income goals. You will collaborate with team members in the organization to assist with other fundraising projects, and develop relationships with key stakeholders.

Graphic & Web Design

Design and maintain graphics for print and website, update and maintain website, website and social media optimization. Work alongside with social media marketing staff, control social media traffic, including blogging, as well as posting photos and videos to accounts such as Flickr, Vimeo and youtube.
Skills Required: Knowledge of graphic design softwares such as the Adobe Creative Suite, and Wed Design software such as WordPress.

Social Media Marketing

NECS is looking for intern with strong knowledge and understanding of the digital media landscape, including various social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Candidate for this position will require strong critical thinking skills.
Contribute to social media updates and re-design, producing content for social accounts, monitor and post on social networks and blogs, online outreach and promotion using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more, Keyword analysis and cost/benefit analysis.

Youth Mentor for leadership program

NECS is looking for college interns to assist with out junior youth (Ages 12-15) and Youth (Ages 15 – 17) as mentors/facilitators for our empowerment programs. Interns are offered ongoing opportunity to train and learn and serve with supervisors a unified team building environment. Our mentorship program is designed to empower youth to reflect on their innate spiritual and intellectual capacity and use that knowledge to strive for excellence in their lives and to be of service to their community.